We have a dug in hide at a busy Rabbit colony at the edge of a bushy area. It can be used with a camo net and it's directed towards sunset in order to get backlit shots in the late afternoon hours in the peak of activity. It's a good place to photograph Brown Hare and maybe some birds of prey in flight (eg. Goshawk, Marsh Harrier or perhaps Eastern Imperial Eagle) that regularly hunt Rabbits.

The other similar dug in hide was built at a European Souslik colony at a nearby dry grassland grazed by horses. The hide has windows to E and W, so it can be used anytime of the day. These small rodents make their vertical burrows in the ground and need really short vegetation in order to detect aerial predators like Saker Falcon, Common Kestrel, Eastern Imperial Eagle in time and hide.


During Summer we can organise slow stalking boat sessions on two nearby oxbows. The boat is equipped with a silent electric engine and you can sit on comfortable cushions on the bottom to shoot at a really low perspective. The species you can easily get really close to and photograph perched on dead trees in the water with beautiful backgrounds are Black-crowned Night Heron, Squacco Heron, Grey Heron, Little Bittern, Purple Heron, Mute Swan, Pigmy Cormorant, Kingfisher and Whiskered Tern. There are usually sunbathing European Pond Terrapins observed as well. Sometimes European Beavers might show up.


The Tisza River in Hungary becomes a breathtaking stage for nature's spectacle during the annual mayfly emergence in the second half of June. Mayflies, delicate and ethereal insects, paint the skies in a mesmerizing display. As dusk descends, millions of these ephemeral creatures take flight, forming vast swarms that dance gracefully above the river's surface. This phenomenon, known as the "Tisza blooming," draws spectators who witness this breathtaking natural ballet. The mayflies, having spent years as aquatic nymphs, emerge en masse for their brief, yet crucial, adult stage—seeking mates before their fleeting lives come to an end. Their presence also attracts various predators, creating a vibrant ecosystem where birds, fish, and other creatures converge to partake in this abundant feast.

We regularly organize a few hours long excursioms to observe and photograph the swarm from the riverbank and a short boat trip with a local expert.


Tiszaalpár and it's close surroundings provide a range of scenes for landscape and drone photographers to explore and capture. The Tisza River floodplain offers misty mornings with low fog, ideal for atmospheric shots. The surrounding forests and meadows provide a mix of textures and colors, perfect for capturing natural beauty from above. Whether it's the river's curves or the patterns in the forests, Tiszaalpár offers a range of scenes for drone photographers to explore and capture.